The analysis the graphs performed with the data carried out by the detector during these years of
continuous operating have allowed discovering a series of completely new phenomena occurring in the Universe, among which,
the existence of particular extra-massive Multiple Nucleus Quasars that seem to affect its operating.
1. Universe expansion and redshift
Rome, 21 September 2002
In a Universe where matter continuously "borns" and "dies" it is no
more possible to give support to the hypothesis of an initial big explosion (Big-Bang), which
happened about 20 billion years ago, to explain its expansion. A quite different interpretation of the expansion of the Universe,
that is more in line with the existence of a "physical" space, is presented.
It will shown how this new interpretation lead us to a different meaning for "redshift"
and the other parameters related to it.
PDF file (182 kb);
PDF file (181 kb)
2. The Matter life-cycle
Rome, 03 November 2005
The discovery of the existence of Multiple Nucleus Quasars (MNQ),
through the recording of high intensity gravitational waves ("forks") we have been performing for more than 10 years with
our detector, has allowed us to understand what Universe is made of and how it works.
The Universe results quite different from what is today stated by the Big-Bang theory.
The most important differences are summarized as follows.
- No "Big-Bang" has ever taken place. Therefore the Universe has never had a beginning and out of some episodes of local lack of homogeneity due to the presence of MNQs, it has always been more or less as we can see it now.
- The Universe is homogeneous and steady only on a large scale. The MNQs, living the centres of the galaxy clusters create local concentrations of matter. Due to general collapses, "empty" areas form in the Universe, which can remain like that even for a long time.
- The Universe has no boundaries and it is constantly and continuously expanding in compliance, when considered on a large scale, with Hubble's Law. Theoretically, we can see as far as the distance where expansion rate occurs at the speed of light.
- The Universe keeps always young. The collapsing mechanism of the MNQs is the way to expel "old" matter from the Universe. Same will, then, be replaced by "new" matter born as neutral hydrogen clouds, which are going to form new galaxies and that, later on, will fill the "empty" areas of the Universe.
- The cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) is produced in very slight amount by the nuclear fusion reactions taking place inside the stars. Most of it is generated by the falling down of matter onto the nuclei of the MNQs.
- "Dark" matter does not exist. What exists is, on the contrary, the effect produced by the thickening of the ("physical") space around the matter and representing its gravitational field.
- "Dark" energy does not exist. When the nuclei of the MNQs collapse, the thickened space that they were holding around themselves is "released" and, while expanding, this latter allows the Universe to "widen".
The three groups of matter model for the Universe we now dispose of, even if still uncertain
for what concerns quantities is, on the contrary, very satisfactory for what is related to its operating. It seems very useful and
stimulating the idea of labelling the MNQs as "predators" and galaxies as "preys", where neutral hydrogen is
considered as the "food" at the disposal of these latter ones. We can also say that it seems the way the Universe works,
does not seem very different from any other ecosystem in (dynamical) equilibrium.
Furthermore, contrary to what is today proposed by the Big-Bang, the path of matter is, here, completely upside down:
Quasars are not the first ring, but the last one of the Universe "food chain".
The Universe keeps always young as shown by the mechanisms described and by what astronomical
last surveys are proving. We have seen that, after a cycle of 10 billion years only 1/8 of
the "old" matter is still existing, while the other 7/8 concern "new matter".
In the next cycle "old" matter is reduced by 1/64 and mainly formed by the surviving MNQs. And so on.
For those people looking for a Fundamental Laws for the Universe, they might take the following one as granted:
any place you go, any time you are you will always find a "young" Universe.
PDF file (542 kb);
PDF file (544 kb)